• +92-307-2322020
  • +92-061-6217725
  • info@sdf.org.pk

Start :  17-06-2023 to  18-07-2023

Total Participants: Female:    103   Male:    2366 Children: 562   PWDS:  10     Total: 3041

Process of the Project :

Certainly! Here is an easy-to-understand description of the process involved in setting up a cooling center and providing ORS mixed cool water for the safety of people during heat waves:

·         Recognizing the Need: The need to protect people during heat waves is acknowledged, especially those who may not have access to cool environments. It is decided to establish a cooling center and provide ORS mixed cool water as a response to this need.

·         Planning and Preparation: The planning phase begins, where considerations such as location, facilities, and resources are taken into account. A suitable location, such as a community center, is chosen, and arrangements are made to ensure proper cooling systems and availability of clean water for the ORS mix.

·         Facility Setup: The selected location is equipped with cooling systems like air cooler to create a cool and comfortable environment. Comfortable seating areas and cool ORS mix water stations are arranged for visitors.

·         Staff Recruitment and Training: Staff members or volunteers are recruited, and they receive appropriate training on heat safety, emergency response, and the preparation and distribution of the cool ORS mix water. They become knowledgeable and capable of managing the cooling center effectively.

·         Outreach and Communication: Efforts are made to raise awareness about the cooling center and the availability of ORS mixed cool water. Various communication channels, such as flyers, posters, social media and partnerships with local organizations are utilized to reach the target audience and inform them about the services provided.

·         Operational Procedures: The cooling center is opened during heat waves with extended operating hours to accommodate the peak heat periods. Visitors are welcomed by the staff that provided information on heat safety measures and guide them to the seating areas and water stations. The staff also prepares the ORS mix according to proper guidelines and distributes it to visitors for hydration.

·         Monitoring and Maintenance: The temperature in the cooling center is regularly monitored to ensure a cool environment. Stock levels of water and ORS mix are checked, and routine maintenance of the cooling systems is conducted to ensure their proper functioning. Any issues or concerns are promptly addressed.

·         Evaluation and Improvement: Feedback is actively sought from visitors and staff regarding their experiences and suggestions for improvement. This feedback is carefully considered, and necessary adjustments are made to enhance the operations and effectiveness of the cooling center and the provision of ORS mixed cool water.

·         By following this process, the cooling center can successfully provide a safe and comfortable environment for people during heatwaves, while the provision of ORS mixed cool water ensures proper hydration and minimizes the risk of heat-related illnesses.

Purpose/ Objective of the activity: 

The purpose or objective of installing a cooling center for the safety of people during heatwaves in Multan is to provide a safe and cool space where individuals. These designated places offer a cool and cozy place to relax for cart Shopkeepers, laborers, daily wage workers, and travelers. For those who can read, services like cold ORS mix water and newspapers are freely accessible in these cooling rest spaces. People can relax in front of air coolers, shielding their skin from the hot sun and regulating their body temperature. To make sure that everyone has access to important information, educational IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) materials are also given. The cooling center aims to protect vulnerable individuals from the health risks associated with high temperatures, such as heatstroke and dehydration, by offering a comfortable environment with an air cooler and access to cold water ORS mix water. It is an initiative aimed at ensuring the well-being and safety of economically disadvantaged individuals during periods of intense heat.




Project Discreption

  • Starting Date

    17 Jun 2023
  • Duration

    1 Month
  • total Cost of Project

  • Project Category

    Completed Projects

Donor of Project

  • Name

    Helo Foundation
  • Email

  • Contact Number

  • Website
